Webview.url read/write property

Get the current Webview URL, a string.
Setting this property will cause navigation to the provided URL.

When setting this property while running in an embedded executable compiled with rtc, and if the URL starts with file:///, any resource not found locally will be searched inside the embedded content too.


local ui = require "ui" require "webview" -- create a simple Webview local win = ui.Window("Webview.url sample", 640, 480) local addressbar = ui.Entry(win, "", 0, 6, 640, 24) local Webview = ui.Webview(win, "", 0, 30, 640, 430) function addressbar:onSelect() Webview.url = addressbar.text end win:show() -- update the user interface until the user closes the Window repeat ui.update() until not win.visible