Picture:save(File | filename) method

Save the Picture image to a file on disk.


File | filename

A File object or a filename string, representing the image file whose content will be saveed.

Return value

This function returns true if the image saving succeeded, or false otherwise.


local ui = require "ui" local win = ui.Window("Picture.save() and save() example", 512, 380) -- create an empty Picture object local img = ui.Picture(win, "") -- save the image from disk img:save(sys.File(arg[0]).path.."\\LuaRT.png") -- center the Picture on the window img:center() -- create a button local button = ui.Button(win, "Save picture to...") button:center() button.y = img.y + img.height + 30 -- button onClick event handler function button:onClick() local file = ui.savedialog("Save picture as...", false, "All files (*.*)|*.*|PNG image files (*.png)|*.png|JPEG image files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap image files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF image files (*.gif)|*.gif|ICO image files (*.ico)|*.ico|TIFF image files (*.tiff)|*.tiff") if file ~= nil and (not file.exists or (file.exists and ui.confirm(file.fullpath.." already exists. Continue and overwrite its content ?") == "yes")) then if img:save(file) then win:status("Picture saved as "..file.fullpath) end end end win:center() win:show() repeat ui.update() until win.visible == false