Panel.constructor(parent, [ x ], [ y ], [ width ], [ height ]) constructor

The Panel constructor returns a Panel, a simple surface that can contain other widgets.



An object that will own the Panel. Parent objects can be any of Window, Groupbox, TabItem and another Panel



An optional number that indicates the Panel horizontal position, in pixels.


An optional number that indicates the Panel vertical position, in pixels.


An optional number that indicates the Panel width, in pixels.


An optional number that indicates the Panel height, in pixels.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a fixed Panel local win = ui.Window("Panel.constructor() sample", "fixed", 320, 200) -- create a Panel at position at the top left corner, sized 100x100 pixels local panel = ui.Panel(win, 0, 0, 100, 100) panel.border = true