Edit.readonly read/write property

Get or set the the readonly mode of the Edit. A true value, indicate that the user cannot enter any new text content.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a console like window local win = ui.Window("Edit.readonly sample", "fixed", 580, 360) local label = ui.Label(win, "Enter command : ", 2, 6) label.height = 16 local entry = ui.Entry(win, "", label.width, 4, win.width-label.width-4, 20) local edit = ui.Edit(win, "", -1, entry.height+6, win.width+4, win.height-entry.height-4) edit.font = "Consolas" edit.fontsize = 8 edit.fontstyle = { bold = true } edit.fgcolor = 0xA0A0A0 edit.bgcolor = 0 edit.readonly = true edit.wordwrap = true local pipe = sys.Pipe("cmd.exe /k chcp 65001>nul") edit:append(pipe:read(100)) function entry:onSelect() local cmd = self.text.."\n" -- write command to pipe pipe:write(cmd) -- wait for command to execute sleep(150) edit:append(cmd) -- append error msg if exists edit:append(pipe:readerror() or "") -- print pipe output excluding last written command edit.selection.from = edit.selection.from - 1 edit.selection.text = pipe:read():gsub("^"..self.text, "") self.text = "" end ui.run(win):wait()