Combobox.fontstyle read/write property

Get or set the Combobox font style, a table value that contains the following keys/values :

  • "italic" : set to true if the font is in italic.
  • "underline" : set to true if the font is underlined.
  • "strike" : set to true if the font is striked.
  • "thin" : set to true if the font is thin.
  • "bold" : set to true if the font is bold.
  • "heavy" : set to true if the font is heavy.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a simple Window local win = ui.Window("Combobox.fontstyle sample", 320, 200) local combobox = ui.Combobox(win, {"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"}, 96, 100) combobox.selected = combobox.items[1] -- create a font style combobox local cb = ui.Combobox(win, { "bold", "italic", "underline", "heavy", "thin" }, 104, 30) cb.selected = cb.items[5] -- change combobox.fontstyle upon selection function cb:onSelect(item) combobox.fontstyle = { [item.text] = true } end combobox.font = "Times New Roman" combobox.fontsize = 24 win:show() -- update the user interface until the user closes the Window repeat ui.update() until not win.visible