Luart interpreters

The easiest way to run a Luart application is to double-click on the .lua or .wlua source files in the Windows explorer.
All interpreters can also be executed from the command line.


Executes the Lua statement in double quotes and run the following script if specified (see below).

Loads and executes the Lua script "filename", with optional arguments. Each arguments will be available in the global table arg in your Lua script :

  • arg[-1] contains the fullpath of the running interpreter, as a string, or the current executable fullpath for compiled scripts.
  • arg[0] contains the current running the script or nil for compiled executables.
  • arg[1] contains the first argument
  • arg[2] for the second and so on...

Luart interpreters comparison

Luart comes with serveral versions of the interpreter, located in the \bin subfolder of the installation directory, each with its own specificities explained in the table below :

Interpreter Windows subsystem Dependency ui module
luart.exe Console lua54.dll
wluart.exe lua54.dll
luart-static.exe Console -
wluart-static.exe -


  • Console versions of the interpreter are suitable for command line tools, as they are running in a command prompt window.
  • Desktop versions of the interpreter are for applications based on the Windows GUI, so they include the ui module.
  • Static interpreters do not depend on lua54.dll, but the use of binary modules is strongly discouraged.
  • Since Luart 1.2.0, better compatibility with PUC Lua is provided by the integration of the PUC Lua os, io and utf8 modules.