Ftp:movefile(path, newpath)

Moves the specified file from the FTP server.

This operation is done by a Task asynchronously (other Tasks will be executed concurrently without blocking execution flow)



A string that contains the file path (partially or fully qualified file names relative to the current FTP directory can be used).


A string that contains the new file path (partially or fully qualified file names relative to the current FTP directory can be used).

Return value

This method return a Task instance. Once the Task has finished, it will return a boolean value indicating if the operation was successful.


local net = require "net" -- connect to the FTP server local url = "your ftp server" local client = net.Ftp(url, "username", "password") if await(client:movefile("test.txt", "/archive/test.txt")) then print("Successfully moved FTP directory 'test.txt' to '/archive/test.txt'") else error(net.error) end