Label:onLeave() event

This event is fired when the mouse cursor leaves the Label.

Return value

The event returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a custom widget from a Label local Link = Object(ui.Label) -- sets the cursor property once the Link object is created function Link:onCreate() self.cursor = "hand" end -- sets the onHover event function Link:onHover() self.fontstyle = { underline = true } end -- sets the onLeave event function Link:onLeave() self.fontstyle = { underline = false } end -- sets the onClick event : open the link in the default web browser function Link:onClick() sys.cmd("start "..self.text) end -- create a window local win = ui.Window("Label:onLeave() sample", 320, 200) --create a Link object local link = Link(win, "", 100, 75) win:show() while win.visible do ui.update() end